Friday, February 18, 2011

My 400th Win on StarCraft II

I was Extremely bored today, so what else but play Starcraft 2 for a few hours. i don't know these people on my team, they are just random, so yea, judge them how you will, but i basically did a classic Terran strategy of marines and marauders , upgraded attack, stim researched, and medivacs, with a few vikings thrown in to counter motherships -.- a few people went mass stalkers, so to no surprise, i came out as the top score for this match, since stimmed marauders just eat stalkers for breakfast, but then again, they probably couldn't handle my extreme skills lol.
take a look


  1. Grats. What's your ratio though? 400 wins isn't squat if you've got 600 losses.

  2. Sadly I'm even I got 400 wins 400 losses, but I can blame that on multiple reasons, one being that I never played Sc 1 , so Sc2 was my first experience with sc. So I had to learn quick, which I did, originally placed in bronze I'm in gold right now moving into platnum, so I'm making up for all the losses I had when the game first came out =/ plus even though I like playing protoss my best is terran, which I didn't start playing seriously as until about a month ago...

  3. Starcraft 2 is way too competitive
    I like more casual RTS types like C&C series

    Grats on your win though.

  4. yea SC 2 is sometimes a bit too competitive for even myself, but all anyone has to remember is that its a game, usually i cant do too many 1v1s in a row because i get angry from the stupid mistakes that cause me to lose, but whenever with SC2 anyone (like myself) feels this way, you can go do some fun custom games that are purely made for fun =D

  5. Grats man, I've not played Starcraft myself but it looks fun, I like rts games

  6. Grats! I need to buy this when I get the money
