Friday, February 11, 2011

Another Intense 2v2 game with Ravage and I

This was another close game with ravage and I on sc2. It was probably closer then it should have been because ravage has been playing as zerg. For nearly dying in the beginning, Ravage came back to help me pull off a profound victory...
take a look


  1. 2v2, it sucks that I dont have friends

  2. =( you could play with random people, that's how most people get into diamond 2v2 anyway

  3. Or u could find people who you've played with. Sometimes other people hate playin alone to so u gota ask em. Have a good match you should friend request em.

  4. That comment made me a little depressed

  5. well, if it made you depressed, we could play some sc2 games with him 0.o

  6. is zerg supposed to be better or something?

  7. na, ravage is just, he plays the worst as zerg, and he wants to get better at it, which is understandable, but he probably plays best as Terran, which i meant that if he played Terran, we would have wiped the competition

  8. Meh my zerg isn't great but its getting there. I just need a good way to deal with tanks and i'll be fine

  9. Don't forget the reason i was weak was because i held a 2v1....
