Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MINECRAFT: Texture Packs

EDIT: Sleek build was great but i need to find an updated version or a new texture pack as the new update makes some blocks hard to recognize.

This is the default texture pack, I thought it was alright for awhile, but eventually i got curious as to the other texture packages out there.

One of the main complaints about Minecraft is it's graphics, and these arguments either are, "The block nature of the game is stupid..." or "The textures are stupid". The first argument is subjective, i happen to think the block nature of the game is quite unique and works well for what the game is trying to accomplish. The other argument I am more inclined to agree with. While the default texture pack is kind of charming, I don't care for it much. So i downloaded SLEEK BUILD 1.1.


1.1 times as sleek.

This texture pack makes everything have a more streamlined clean look to it. It makes the game look slightly more modern and less dirty. In my opinion anyway, however these are not the only texture packs. In fact there are MANY texture packs and also Skins for your character, as well as a whole mess of mods floating around. A good place to look is,


In other Minecraft news



Great Day for minecrafting, no?



  1. congrats, enjoy your mincraft update!!

  2. Thank you sir! I think its pretty great. the lighting change helped alot.

  3. lol this game looks crazy fun. haven't gotten it yet though
